Bulletin Archive 2009
Warning: Some links may not work.
20 December, 2009: Almost Christmas.
It's almost time for Christmas and I've got a lot of updates! In my Personal Gallery you will find a new image called, Cutting Class. I actually finished it in November, but only now got around to uploading it to my gallery. Also be sure to look in the Jewelry Gallery to find the many pieces I completed for the Holiday season...four necklaces, one ring, five earrings, one bracelet, and one necklace/earring set! Many of them have sold already (thanks to all my supporters!), but there are some pieces left for you to snatch up before the New Year.
Also, a reminder for those of you ordering posters from our website. Please make sure that we have your mailing address! Especially if you do not have a Paypal account. We usually mail the package off within two business days of receiving the order, so if you don't get your purchase in a timely manner, then be sure to get in touch with us!
20 October, 2009: Rings and Things.
This October 23-25 is MileHiCon! In the Art Show, we will have several limited edition canvas prints, plus one of my newest necklaces...which I have yet to photograph. A handful of open edition prints will be available in the MileHiCon Print Shop as well.
As for site updates, I have uploaded the tattoo design that spawned the lovely Deadly Sweet illustration. You will find it in the Commission Work Gallery. In the Jewelry Gallery there are new rings to be seen! These are currently for sale in our little booth at The Witches Brew.
28 September, 2009: New Luscious Curves Fits.
Two new clothings fits are available for Luscious Curves under Free Addons in the Freebies drop down menu.
Now the ladies can wear the Japanese inspired outfit, Kunoichi, and the free Aery Soul outfit, Elven Strapped.
I also updated my Jewelry Gallery with two new ribbon tied chokers that are currently for sale at Etsy. These are ideal for people who have difficulty finding attractive chokers that fit their necks perfectly.
7 September, 2009: Many Updates.
Our trip to and from the Wizard World Chicago Comic-Con was quite exhausting yet very satisfying (thanks to all who support us)! Our "next door neighbors" were the amazingly skilled Jeff Butler and Jeff Moi of (squee!) Raven Software and assorted comic books you may be familiar with...and behind us another talented traditional and digital artist, Dodie Mondero. It was such a thrill to be at a convention among so many artists, both well known and working to become well known. My one regret was not being able to visit many of the other tables in the Artist Alley. I had just enough time to get through about half the room. Perhaps I shall get to see them at another convention...
Finding myself with some extra time on my hands, I managed to complete not one, but two new fairy images! You will find them in my Personal Gallery. There are two new pieces in the Jewelry Gallery as well. You will find one in Necklaces & Chokers and one in Rings. Both have already been sold, but you are free to oogle the pictures as much as you like!
31 July, 2009: New Free Desktop Wallpapers.
Before we leave for Chicago, please enjoy the two new desktop wallpapers available for free in the Goodies section.
The Lycan Knight and I are very excited to have a table in the Artist Alley at Wizard World Chicago and we've been busting our butts to get our product ready for the big trip. We got new postcards, tins, and our latest t-shirts featuring the Lycan Knight's newest shapeshifter! Words just cannot describe how amazing the quality of the image is on these shirts. You'll have to see it for yourself!
21 July, 2009: Several Small Updates.
I discovered today that some odd little glitch was making everything in the Commission Gallery password protected. It has been fixed, so you should now be able to view the images that link from that page. The Jewelry Gallery has been updated with my newest necklace, Heart & Soul and I added links to my Facebook and Twitter pages in Biography under the About dropdown menu. Facebook I update with assorted news concerning the Etsy store and I am working to add little notes about various gemstones I like to use in my jewelry. Twitter mostly contains my random thoughts as I work on the computer...
August is almost here and that means Unnatural Forces will soon make the drive north for Wizard World Chicago where we will have a table in the Artist Alley! We should have a new and totally awesome t-shirt design to offer just in time for the event!
21 June, 2009: New Jewelry.
I have four new pieces in the Jewelry Gallery...three under Necklaces & Chokers and one Set. For the photos, I tried new lightbulbs and a new background. The lighting was much easier to work with concerning brightness and color, but I am not quite satisfied with the background and the way the shadows turned out. Nevertheless, I hope that you will enjoy my new jewelry designs!
01 June, 2009: A New Look and a New Consignment!
As you might have noticed, the RavynEdge website has been overhauled and updated. It was definately time for a change, but I have been overly busy with assorted projects and unable to devote time to a new design. Fortunately my knight in Lycan armor came riding in to rescue my site and I think he did a wonderful job!
Unnatural Forces now offers framed and non-framed posters at the Witches Brew Coffee Shop. Check them out at 4900 W 46th Ave. Denver, CO 80212. Pick up a cup of coffee or other beverage of choice and shop around. There is plenty to see. Not only do they sell our artwork, they also have items from various local artisans such as jewelry, clothing, soaps, books and so much more.
24 April, 2009: Computer Woes and a New Image.
Comicfest was a success for us and we are very pleased about it all. However a few setbacks we encountered managed to damage our calm just a bit. Our computer decided to go on strike giving us the dreaded blue screen of death and thanks to Murphy's Law, our go-to computer guy was unavailable for the week of the convention. This left us with some serious withdrawls and some slight panic. Now, after a reformat and the removal of half our RAM, the computer is finally operational. Unfortunately, it remains crippled until it can be determined if the root of the problem lies in our RAM, motherboard, or some other undetermined factor.
Despite the handicapped performance of our work machine, I am very pleased that I was able to complete a new image, Personal Demons, that can now be viewed in my Gallery. Check it out and enjoy!
The Lycan Knight has updated the Main Page menu for access to all our convention pictures. This includes the few pictures we took at Comicfest and the long awaited pictures we took at Dragon*Con 2008! Seek them out under Goods in the dropdown menu on the Main Page. Also updated is the ability to purchase prints as you browse the Lycan Knight's galleries. This is very exciting stuff and my website is soon to follow with a brand new skin, so look forward to it!
10 March, 2009: Busy Busy.
Firstly, I'd like to say that we had a wonderful time at Opus. We met lots of fun and interesting folks and our table did quite well for such a quaint convention. Thanks to all of you who support Unnatural Forces!
At Opus, we met the owners of Amethyst Dragon Enterprises in Sterling, Colorado. The Amethyst Dragon is a new store that sells cool figurines, jewelry, and metaphysical knick-knacks....and now they will also be selling a variety of our posters! So, if you happen to be in the area, stop by and check out their goods at 730 N 3rd St. Sterling CO 80751.
As you may or may not have noticed, the Unnatural Forces Main Page has had a major facelift courtesy of the talented Lycan Knight. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you check it out! We have new links and a main bulletin where we will be chattering about our current events, in particular our convention appearances. Speaking of which, we will have a table at Starfest on April 17-19th 2009 in Denver, Colorado. Starfest includes Gamefest and Comicfest, so there should be lots of interesting things going on there!
10 March, 2009: Opus Fantasy Festival.
March 13-15 is Opus Fantasy Festival in Denver, Colorado. The Lycan Knight and I will be operating a table in the main corridor of the event. There we will have lots of posters, jewelry, and assorted knick knacks for you to buy, not to mention the free goodies you could get by coming to our table! We will also have limited edition canvas prints in the art show and matted prints in the print shop.
Two new clothing fits for the lovely ladies of Luscious Curves are available in the Clothing Fits section.
The Unnatural Forces store is now closed, but if there is a favorite poster that you weren't able to buy, have no fear because we will slowly be listing most of our products on my Etsy Store after Opus. The 11x17 inch posters will no longer be available once we sell out of our current stock, so if you happen to see one for sale at our table or our store, you'd best snarf it up while you can!
02 February, 2009: Lots of News.
Many things have happened last month and there is much more to come in February! Firstly, my newest Daz product, Luscious Curves, was released. It features my best beautiful and curvy morphs as well as poses and lights! Today is the last day of the sale, so get them now! I also updated my Products section to accomodate free clothing fittings for the ladies. There are three outfits ready for them so far, but expect more.
I am very excited to announce that the Academy Frame Company has chosen to display and sell many of our posters and limited edition canvas prints in their local artist gallery! On February 14th, they will be holding a shindig with live music, an artist reception, and a silent auction for charity. The Lycan Knight has also prepared his newest masterpiece which will be unveiled at the event.
Lastly, I wanted to let you know that our calendars are 50% off at my Etsy Store. This is a great time to get these beauties at an amazing price. They won't be around when February is over!
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